BHM Kickoff

Date and Time

Wednesday, February 15 2023 at 6:00 PM CST to

Wednesday, February 15 2023 at 8:00 PM CST


Student Union 2.01.28 - Denman


Happy Black History Month! We are excited for the Black History Month Kickoff: A Celebration of Black Heritage and Excellence event on Wednesday, February 15th, from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM in the Denman (SU 2.01.28). We are super excited to host it as the event welcomes all new and returning Roadrunners to the Black Roadrunner Community and celebrates the start of a new school year, Black History Month, and its significance. In addition, the event will feature a tabling fair of all UTSA’s resources and departments available to students, music, food, giveaways, and an opportunity to meet and connect with the Black faculty, staff, and student organizations here at UTSA.


Small icon of pizza to represent food in general Free Food
Small icon of a purse to represent items in general Free Stuff


Black History Month Event