Center for Collegiate Recovery
The Recovery Center offers students in recovery a community and support to succeed in college and recovery. If you are a roadrunner in or interested in recovery, we provide you the environment necessary to maintain your recovery while receiving your education.
Find your home on campus in our Recovery Lounge where you can relax, study, hang out, or grab some coffee, snacks and other refreshments.
Recovery is hard. College is hard. Don’t do it alone. We offer a variety of support meetings throughout the week. The Roadrunner Recovery Community is here for you.
Recovery Support Groups
Spring Support Meetings:
Recovery is a journey meant to be taken together. Support meetings are designed for students both in recovery and interested in recovery from substance use disorders and other addictions. You may attend hybrid/in person at the Recovery Center, JPL 4.02.08.
Mondays: Anonymous Birds 3p-4p
- 12-step, peer facilitated support group for individuals who either have struggled with or are currently struggling with substance use/addiction
- Anonymous Birds utilizes the 12 steps in a general sense and will utilize Life with Hope, the marijuana anonymous text.
- All recovery pathways
- All substances/addictions are welcome
Tuesdays: Zen Recovery 11a-12p
- Zen Recovery, based off Recovery Dharma, an approach to recovery based on Buddhist principles.
- peer-led and non-theistic.
- all those who wish to pursue recovery as part of our community. (any substance/addiction, mental health recovery welcome)
Many people turn to things like drugs, gambling, food, work, sex, or people-pleasing to suppress whatever feelings and thoughts they want to ignore. As soon as a negative emotion stirs up, they react emotionally rather than respond thoughtfully.
Mindlessly going into action allows the negative feelings to continue; over time, these feelings can become overwhelming, and the addictive behaviors that you may turn to for comfort may actually make the situation worse.
When acting from a Zen mindset, you relax the negative thoughts and feelings by listening closely to them. Ultimately, this reduces your anxiety, because instead of being fearful of pain, you accept it as part of life. This then allows you to be more focused, relaxed, and attentive to yourself.
Wednesdays: SMART Recovery 12p-1p
- a non-12 step, peer-support program
- self-empowering approach to addiction recovery and behavior change.
- We utilize an array of tools and coping skills such as thought stopping techniques, role-plays, values lists, etc. to aid us in support of one another.
- All addictions/ substance use disorders
- Depression and anxiety recovery welcome
Thursdays: All Recovery 1p-2p
- All Recovery is a non-12 step, solution focused, peer-led support group designed to encourage open sharing with day to day successes and struggles as a person in or seeking recovery.
- All addictions or substance use disorders
- All recovery pathways
- Depression, anxiety and other mental health recoveries welcome
Fridays: Healthy Body Healthy Image 3p-4p
This support group is facilitated by the Eating Recovery Center of San Antonio. It is a non-12 step open discussion group for men and women seeking support to improve body image, as well as those recovering from disordered eating behaviors.
This group may be for you if you are:
- in recovery or seeking recovery from an eating disorder or disordered eating behaviors.
- trying to make and/or sustain healthy changes to behaviors associated with food, diet, exercise and body image.
- seeking to gain knowledge and skills for positive coping behaviors.
- Looking to support others in their recovery journey while receiving support as well.
Roadrunner Recovery Celebration: First Friday of every month 7p-8p
This is a celebration meeting also known to many as a birthday night. Join us whether you are in recovery, seeking to start your recovery, or just want to learn about addiction and recovery and/or support and celebrate others in their journey.
- Recovering individuals can pick up their recovery chip to celebrate their time in recovery.
- Speaker will share their story of recovery
- Open to everyone whether you identify in recovery or not
- Possible extra credit opportunity depending on your professor
STAY UP-TO-DATE: Follow us, @UTSARecovery, on Instagram, and Twitter for meetings, events and other happenings.
More About Us:
The UTSA Recovery Center, a Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP), is part of a national effort to meet the needs of college/university students who struggle or have struggled with substance use and other addictive behaviors. Students with concerns about their substance use/behaviors can find the support they need to make lasting change, while students in recovery can find the resources they need to grow and succeed in the college setting while finding a sense of belonging.
The Recovery Center provides Roadrunners in or interested in recovery, the programming, resources, environment, and support to excel in recovery, college, and well-being.
Our vision is to empower students to be leaders, promote recovery, and combat stigma
Our community is student-driven and center led. We are students, allies, and friends here to support, serve, and fellowship together as we journey through college and recovery.
We define recovery as a process of developing and maintaining a lifestyle free from harmful relationships with substances and addictive behaviors by striving for well-being and balance between mind, body, spirit, and social connections.
Community Approach:
We believe recovery is a deeply personal process and therefore, we respect all recovery paths. We are a community that respects and celebrates all races, ethnicities, cultures, religions, beliefs, sexualities, genders, life circumstances or experiences. In this community, we grow together.
Our values: Community, Support, Service, Empowerment, Integrity, Accountability, Well-being, Inclusiveness, and Respect.
Our motto: Together we fly!