Entertainment and Film Club

Entertainment and Film Club


The Entertainment and Film Club focuses on two ways in which our members can learn and create: one is in an educational and discussion setting, and the other is a more hands-on approach where we collaborate in smaller groups in rotating roles and create shorts.

We present a specific topic within the entertainment industry, discuss, and present examples from popular media. No experience is needed; we teach the basics of filmmaking and are willing to answer any questions about any form of media! We also create short shorts, sometimes serious sometimes silly, our goal is to give members all sorts of experience in different roles. Usually, the shorts are planned and created during meetings. Roles can be switched depending on your group and/or type of short. 

We have monthly watch parties and members vote on the movie! This supports our club and allows us to buy more equipment for the club. At the end of the semester, we have a large screening celebrating our members' work which is COMPLETELY FREE (woohoo)! 

Contact Information

1 UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249
United States of America
Contact Email E: julio.brindisahumada@my.utsa.edu
Phone Number P: 949-383-0931
This organization has no officers.