Epsilon Omega Chapter of Sigma Gamma Epsilon
Purpose and Objectives
The Society of Sigma Gamma Epsilon was established to recognize scholarship and professionalism in the Earth Sciences. It has for its objectives the scholastic, scientific, and professional advancement of its members and the extension of relations of friendship and assistance among colleges and universities which are devoted to the advancement of the Earth Sciences.
History and Government
The Society was founded on March 30, 1915, at The University of Kansas. Nearly 200 chapters throughout the United States have been installed since 1915. Government of the Society is by student members and the ultimate legislative authority is vested in a National Convention held every two years. It is composed of one student delegate from each chapter and the seven national officers who are faculty members.
How Can I Join?
Any person in any branch of the Earth Sciences who has completed at least 10 semester hours or 15 quarter hours in Earth Science courses, or in pursuit of an Earth Science degree, and has maintained a minimum 3.0 G.P.A. (on a 4.0 system) in all Earth Science courses together with an overall G.P.A. of 2.67 in all college courses is qualified for membership. If you are interested and believe you qualify, message our primary contact on RowdyLink and we will get back to you! Further, if you don't think you qualify now but you are interested, reach out and we can keep you updated on our future plans for when you may join.
Why Should I Join?
Membership in Sigma Gamma Epsilon and the listing of it on one’s résumé (or the wearing of a member's pin) tells a prospective employer or a colleague that you are at least a "B" average student and that in the eyes of your peers you are professionally motivated. Members serve their departments in a number of ways such as organizing field trips, tutoring, arranging displays, etc. Many chapters have money-raising activities to obtain funds to use for scholarships and awards or to purchase items needed for student use or to assist the department in other ways. Members of Sigma Gamma Epsilon are encouraged to submit articles to the Society’s professional journal, The Compass, as it provides the opportunity to share your research with the Society. The Compass contains student papers and articles by practicing earth scientists in addition to news and notes about the Society. As an associated society of the Geological Society of America, Sigma Gamma Epsilon members are entitled to GSA-member rates for registration at national and regional meetings and for purchase of GSA publications.
In our UTSA chapter of the society, we plan to have in person meetings, opportunities for geological hikes, fossil and rock hunting events, and network with like minded individuals. The society also plans to have lots of outreach and service opportunities to go into our community.
Fees and Dues
If you have been a member with us in the past, there will be a fee of $15 to become a Lifetime member. If you are a new member, there will be a one time fee of $55 which will sign you up as a Lifetime member of Sigma Gamma Epsilon! That means no yearly dues. Additionally, there may be a local fee to cover member shirts and event coverage. As our chapter of the society is newly revitalized, a local fee may be something we need to add to further our success at UTSA.