Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society
Beta Beta Beta (Tri-Beta) is an honor society for undergraduates, graduates, and faculty dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending the boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. Founded at UTSA in 2003, the Nu Chi chapter promotes research, scholarships, networking, and service to the San Antonio community. We equip our members with the skills and knowledge to be competitive applicants for higher education in graduate and professional schools.
General Meetings (Wednesdays 5-6 in BSE Multipurpose Room)
(1/23) Viva Science Tabling
(2/5) 1st General Meeting ~ Introductions
(2/19) 2nd General Meeting ~ Summer Programs
(3/5) 3rd General Meeting ~ Getting Involved in Research w/Dr. Subbarayalu
(3/19) 4th General Meeting ~ Pathway to a PHD w/Dr. Derek Rodriguez
(4/2) 5th General Meeting ~Graduate School Presentation w/ Dr. Gail Taylor
(4/16) 6th General Meeting ~ Earth Day Picnic
(5/1) 7th General Meeting ~ End of Semester Ceremony
(2/13) Valentine's Social w/ PHS and Pre-PT Society
(3/6) Vision Board Making Social
(3/20) Fundraiser and Social at Artea
(4/17) Coffee Bar Study Social w/ PHS
(2/13) Carnations & Hershey's Kisses Fundraiser - In Front of McKinney(10-12PM)
(3/4) Krispy Kreme Donuts Fundraiser - In Front of McKinney(11-1PM)
(3/6) Krispy Kreme Fundraiser - In Front of McKinney(10-12PM)
(3/20) Fundraiser and Social at Artea (6pm-Closing)
(4/2) Fundraiser and Social at Mod Pizza (6pm-Closing)
(4/8) Fundraiser and Social at P-Terry's Spirit night Ventura Plaza Location
(4/15) HTeaO Fundraiser - In Front of McKinney(11-1PM)
Stay tune for more fundraisers throughout the semester! Thank you for all your support!
Stay Connected:
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/TriBetaUtsa
GroupMe: https://groupme.com/join_group/37971444/ofVQQq
Website: https://tribetautsa.wixsite.com/utsatribeta
Instagram: @tribetautsa
National Website: https://www.tribeta.org/
FA 2024 Slides: